Sound Elite is proud and excited to become authorized dealer for Argento Audio Cables in Vancouver, BC, Canada. A true luxury high-end audio cable company from Denmark was found back in 1991 when all products were sold in the domestic market but soon become one of the world acclaimed super high-end cables in the industry. Argento Audio takes manufacturing details to the extreme level. All Argento cables are made with 7N pure silver in multiple strands and insulated with VDM (short name of Vibration Damping Material) technologies. All termination plugs are designed in house and custom made to allow unobstructed flow of music signals. With only one goal, Argento Audio cables are made to bring you a lot closer to a live musical experience!
Once you try them, there is no turning back and you will soon find that the performance of your already high-end system risen up to a whole new level.
The below Argento Cables are available for demo at Sound Elite Home Theatres showroom. Please contact Sound Elite for audition.
- Extreme Edition Power Cord
- Flow Power Cord
- Flow Master Reference Speaker Cables
- Flow Master Reference XLR